Celebrate Thanksgiving Safely Need a safe and inclusive way to celebrate Thanksgiving? Here are some LGBTQ+ inclusive Thanksgiving events happening Thursday, November, 25 2021. [San Jose] Thanksgiving at the Billy DeFrank Center: 11am-2pm [San Francisco] Annual AGUILAS Thanksgiving Dinner: 6-8pm (*space is limited* RSVP ASAP) [San Francisco] Castro Country Club Thanksgiving Day Potluck Lunch: 1:30pm-3:30pm…

TDOR Community Events, Vigils, and Other Community Engagements in 2021 around Northern California TDOR – The Historical and Human Experience Thursday, November 18 at 3pm RSVP here The County of Santa Clara Office of LGBTQ Affairs and TransCanWork Inc. present Trans Day Of Remembrance – The Historical and Human Experience. Join this free virtual event…

Did you know that in an average year, the San Mateo County Emergency Medical Services (EMS) system responds to more than 55,000 medical requests for service? Everyone knows to call 9-1-1 when there’s a medical emergency, and soon help will be on the way. EMS workers are essential to the wellbeing of the greater community…

Did you know that the first American woman into space was part of the LGBTQ+ community? Or that the first woman to ever coach a team to the Super Bowl is openly gay? Women do incredible things every day, from orbiting the planet to coaching in the San Francisco 49ers in the Super Bowl, but…