Celebrate Thanksgiving Safely Need a safe and inclusive way to celebrate Thanksgiving? Here are some LGBTQ+ inclusive Thanksgiving events happening Thursday, November, 25 2021. [San Jose] Thanksgiving at the Billy DeFrank Center: 11am-2pm [San Francisco] Annual AGUILAS Thanksgiving Dinner: 6-8pm (*space is limited* RSVP ASAP) [San Francisco] Castro Country Club Thanksgiving Day Potluck Lunch: 1:30pm-3:30pm…

It’s Pride Month! Whether you’re a member of the LGBTQ+ community or an ally, now is a great time to celebrate! Rainbows are everywhere as people show their support for the community, but what does it mean to be a good advocate for LGBTQ+ people during this special month? The LGBTQ+ community is diverse. It…

February is Black History Month. Though Black History is something that should be celebrated & learned year round, we wanted to take some time to slow down and focus extra energy on resources for our Black & QTBIPOC siblings and shedding light on the organizations and businesses they lead. This list is not exhaustive, but…

Honoring Those Who Served Our Nation with Respect and Resources According to DAV, a nonprofit that provides support to veterans, there are roughly 1 million service members who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. This Veteran’s Day, we celebrate and thank the million and countless more who fought for our country. The mental and physical…