Many things have been canceled this year, but holiday shopping is not one of them. On the bright side, online shopping has become easier than ever this year— with more small brands and businesses enabling virtual shop options to make their wares available to a wider audience. If you’re looking for some innovative gift ideas,…

Honoring Those Who Served Our Nation with Respect and Resources According to DAV, a nonprofit that provides support to veterans, there are roughly 1 million service members who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. This Veteran’s Day, we celebrate and thank the million and countless more who fought for our country. The mental and physical…

New LGBTQ+ Inclusive State Policies Despite COVID closures and any usual setbacks, it’s been a busy year for the LGBTQ+ community. So busy, in fact, that many of us missed news of several important state measures supporting the queer community. These four key state senate bills were approved this fall by Gov. Newsom and will…