Maybe you’ve caught it before: a hint of romantic tension between two same-sex characters on your favorite TV show; a popular musician subverting conventional expectations with their mode of expression; a couple of puppets looking like they might be a little more than just roommates. From flamboyant pop stars to suggestive Muppets, queer subtext has…

End Inequality. End AIDS. End Pandemic. What is World AIDS Day? World AIDS Day is the first, and longest-running, global health day ever founded in 1988 by World Health Organization public officers James Bunn and Thomas Netter. Its goal is to raise international awareness for HIV/AIDS and to honor the 40 million people who have…

National Coming Out Day, courtesy of Ekaterina Minaeva Be loud. Be proud. Be you! It’s National Coming Out Day! Similar to Pride Month in June, National Coming Out Day (NCOD) is an annual LGBTQ+ awareness day observed on October 11 to encourage and support individuals to “come out (of the closet).” The day celebrates the…

Qmunity District pilot program sees Post Street transform into pedestrian-friendly social space Thursday through Sunday throughout 2022 What is the Qmunity District? Project MORE is excited to work with Post Street businesses, the City of San Jose, San Jose Downtown Association, and others to bring back a pedestrian-only space in the Qmunity District. Located on…

Celebrate Thanksgiving Safely Need a safe and inclusive way to celebrate Thanksgiving? Here are some LGBTQ+ inclusive Thanksgiving events happening Thursday, November, 25 2021. [San Jose] Thanksgiving at the Billy DeFrank Center: 11am-2pm [San Francisco] Annual AGUILAS Thanksgiving Dinner: 6-8pm (*space is limited* RSVP ASAP) [San Francisco] Castro Country Club Thanksgiving Day Potluck Lunch: 1:30pm-3:30pm…