Celebrate Thanksgiving Safely Need a safe and inclusive way to celebrate Thanksgiving? Here are some LGBTQ+ inclusive Thanksgiving events happening Thursday, November, 25 2021. [San Jose] Thanksgiving at the Billy DeFrank Center: 11am-2pm [San Francisco] Annual AGUILAS Thanksgiving Dinner: 6-8pm (*space is limited* RSVP ASAP) [San Francisco] Castro Country Club Thanksgiving Day Potluck Lunch: 1:30pm-3:30pm…

As we all know very well, Hollywood in past years has been sorely lacking in movies with LGBTQ+ representation, let alone holiday-themed LGBTQ+ movies. However, 2020 seems to have been the exception— at least 7 new holiday movies and TV shows featuring queer leads and/or characters have premiered since mid-November. This year, both Hallmark and…

This holiday season, community is more important than ever. We know the holidays can be a challenging time for people, especially for the LGBTQ+ community. But this year has been anything but ordinary. This holiday season will pose new challenges for our families, both immediate and chosen. That’s why we’ve put together a list of…

Many things have been canceled this year, but holiday shopping is not one of them. On the bright side, online shopping has become easier than ever this year— with more small brands and businesses enabling virtual shop options to make their wares available to a wider audience. If you’re looking for some innovative gift ideas,…