A Brief History and Appreciation of Pansexuality (and Symbols) The term pansexual, or rather, pansexualism, first appeared in 1914 in the days of Sigmund Freud. Contrary to popular opinion, the term was coined by one of Freud’s scholarly critics, J. Victory Haderman, in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology. In its early days, pansexualism did not…

National Coming Out Day, courtesy of Ekaterina Minaeva Be loud. Be proud. Be you! It’s National Coming Out Day! Similar to Pride Month in June, National Coming Out Day (NCOD) is an annual LGBTQ+ awareness day observed on October 11 to encourage and support individuals to “come out (of the closet).” The day celebrates the…

Did you know that in an average year, the San Mateo County Emergency Medical Services (EMS) system responds to more than 55,000 medical requests for service? Everyone knows to call 9-1-1 when there’s a medical emergency, and soon help will be on the way. EMS workers are essential to the wellbeing of the greater community…

What affects all genders, age groups, and economic classes, and had a reported 1,507 cases in California in 2019? If you answered “human trafficking,” you’d be correct. According to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, human trafficking is a crime that “involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor…