Be loud. Be proud. Be you! It’s National Coming Out Day!
Similar to Pride Month in June, National Coming Out Day (NCOD) is an annual LGBTQ+ awareness day observed on October 11 to encourage and support individuals to “come out (of the closet).” The day celebrates the anniversary of the Second National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights in 1987. Countries other than the United States who observe NCOD include Ireland, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.
Most communities in the U.S. have become more accepting of those who do not conform to heteronormalcy. However, admitting openly to others and ourselves is still a challenge to many due to fear of backlash ranging from ostracization to physical harm.
Additionally, coming out is not a one-time occurrence. It can be a balancing act similar to separating home life and work life. People come out in various spaces each with its own challenges and stigmas: at work, on campus, at home, at places of worship, etc.
Barriers such as generational differences, traditional conservatives, and religious practices are but the tip of the homophobic iceberg many feel they are sailing toward as they navigate their gender and orientation identities. In some countries, people who identify as LGBTQ+ can face criminal charges or the death penalty.
In recent years, LGBTQ+ communities and their allies throughout the U.S. have created safe spaces for youths and adults in community centers, campuses, and businesses. These safe spaces provide a haven and meeting place for those to connect with others who understand the trials and tribulations they share. Youths seeking nearby safe spaces and assistance can find them at NationalSafePlace.org.
It is our hope that continuing to celebrate NCOD further spreads awareness, education, and the message to love yourself and others for all of who they are.
Be loud. Be proud. Be you!